Sunday, June 12, 2011

You are remains in my heart, forever

Hi..have a good day to everyone! Its been a month, i dont update my blog. Anyway, today im going to write a little about a family that was very nice, very friendly and very very kind to us.,a family that i know about 7 years ago. This  family is from Korea. They lived at Malaysia since 1996. I know this family when i serve myself at SIBKF. I am really remember the first day we all met. I am a first year student at UMS at that time. Because the SIBKF is very new at that time, only 5 families serving there.

Esther, Joseph and John is still a little kid at the time. Oh, what a nice moments!! Now you all grew up and big than me now. hahaha. Esther 17 years old, Joseph 16 years old and John 13 years old. I am not sure, what age of yours we will meet again. Maybe 20's something..All the best in your study my sister and brothers. My prayers will be with you.

Samonim, my spitual mother. Will always keep all the words that you gave to me. To forget you is the hardest thing that i cannot do if someone ask me to do that. My prayers will always with you. Wish you good health all the times. Wish you all the best in life in the future. Thank you for everything. I am proud of you and I love you!

Pst Bae, you are the man! Always proud and respect you. Thank you for the friendliness. You will stay in my forever. Love you!

Knowing Bae's Family is my pleasure. Even now, we all dont know yet the time when meet again, but i am very sure, when the God's time comes, we will see each other again next time!

Being with you all will counted as the best moment in my life!
Always miss...God bless you Bae's family!


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